
I started Grumble ‘n’ Grin on September 9th – coming up on two months of blogging. I am in the web business and decided that it was time to experience the Blogoshpere and social media.

Tomorrow is the two-month anniversary of this personal blog. Since I began blogging, I have read a lot about what other bloggers say about blogging. The general consensus is that your blog should have focus… mine does not unless you consider personal viewpoints on a hodge-podge of subjects to be a FOCUS. Somehow I don’t think that’s what they are talking about.
– Theresa on November 8, 2008

Almost two months into the Social Media and Blogging Experiment. What have I learned? It is time-consuming. There is a lot of content out there, lots of writers and lots of noise. Patience and realistic expectations are keys to maintaining sanity.
-Theresa on November 3, 2008

One month into the “blog and social media test” and I am surprised that Twitter is one of my favorite tools. It is a bizarre thing to post 140 character mini-bites. You never know if anyone is reading it or not, but who really cares? On the main blog here: it is strange that I never know what I am going to write until I start, but I always have something to say… and I know that I have at least one loyal reader – love ya, honey!
-Theresa on October 9, 2008

Do you realize that there are over 4 million blogs out there. That’s FOUR MILLION. I guess most of us are writing to ourselves which is only one step better than walking down the street talking to ourselves.
-Theresa on September 26, 2008

Ooops – here’s an update. Technorati reports that they have indexed 133 Million blogs since 2002 and that 7.4 Million blogs posted in the last 120 days… and here I thought 4 million was a lot!
– Theresa on November 8, 2008

Eleven days into blogging and playing on the social networks. There is so much out here that sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode!
– Theresa on September 20, 2008

A very little about me: My name is Theresa. I live with my sweetie, Michael, and our cat, Oscar. I am obsessed with the Dog Whisperer although we do not have a dog (yet) we sometimes puppy-sit for golden-shepherd, Sunny. We live near Boston and work from home: I am just getting a new web design and development business going, novistaweb.com, and Michael has on online store, omnivos.com, where he sells sound therapy products. I love our lifestyle – working from home and wireless cafes.

My plan is to update this blog daily until I get tired of doing so!

I welcome and will publish any comments as long as they are polite.

Thanks for stopping by!