Massachusetts Politics

Leaders Meet Here?

State House - Leaders Meet Here?

Here in Massachusetts we’re not sure what is going on with our local leaders. We have heard very little about governor Deval Patrick after his bid to open MA up to casinos went down in defeat- except that he was in New York promoting his book and recently campaigning for Barack Obama in Miami.

Recently we were informed that State Senator Dianne Wilkerson had been arrested for allegedly taking $23,500 in bribes between June 2007 and October 2008. We have also heard that earlier this year State Senator James Marzilli was arrested on charges of sexual harassment.

Hmmm… is this business as usual? I decided to check out the Massachusetts Government site to see what bills are being considered. The web site says:

On this page you can find the text of Senate Bills for the current 2007-2008 Legislative Session as well as the previous 2005-2006 Legislative Session.

There was nothing on the page. However, you can search on a bill using keywords… problem is if you don’t already know what’s in a bill or that there is a bill, you’ll never find it. Maybe Massachusetts needs some help with their website. I wonder if there’s money in the budget for that?

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