Daily Photo – Oscar

Here’s Oscar getting ready to step outside of his own volition just two short months ago. This week he has been outside a lot — going back and forth to the Cat Hospital for daily treatments.

Crazy Humans

Crazy Humans -- He seemed to say

Last year Oscar was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure. Despite the diagnosis, he was active, vocal and purring non-stop. Last week he suddenly went into decline. Now his kidneys are not working properly and the prognosis is not so good. We are picking him up later today hoping that he will have enough kidney function to be comfortable and enjoy his favorite activities for a while longer: chasing twisty ties, sitting snuggled up between me and Michael, getting brushed and petted and generally ruling his kingdom.

Regardless of how much longer he has with us, I am really grateful that Oscar has been so healthy and happy for the past year and that Michael and I have been working from home so that we have been able to spend lots of time with him.

Update: November 16, 2008
Oscar has made a marvelous recovery this weekend. He started to eat on Friday and pretty much pigged out yesterday! He is back to being his whiny, demanding self! YEAH! The only effect of his near death experience that is still in evidence is a decline in his agility. This morning he followed me upstairs, looked up at the bed, made like he was going to jump up and then said to himself, “No way I’m gonna make it.”

We are going to build him a kitty ramp so he can get up. The joy of living with a suddenly geriatric cat!

One response to “Daily Photo – Oscar

  1. I am so sad to hear Oscar is sick. You know we empathize with you and send you our love

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