Making Some Moves

Change is in the air! Oscar, the Wonder Cat, is improving daily. We can tell by the volume of his meeows how he is feeling. Based upon his 5:00 AM lung power today, we say he is well on his way to a full recovery.

New Job
First off, I am starting a new job on Monday. The change won’t be that drastic because my office is in LA and I’m in Boston — I’ll be working from the Cafe in Waltham as per usual. Still, it is a momentous change for me. My last full-time position was in Financial Services while now I am a bona-fide Webby! Hurray! I will be working for a great company that I know well and for whom I have tons of respect, Genex. Undoubtedly this job will affect my day-to-day focus. I still plan to write this blog, but I am not sure how it will fit in with the new schedule.

New home for Grumble ‘n’ Grin
After two months, I have decided to move this blog to my own site. That way, I can have more creative control over the visual aspects. The plan is to migrate some time this week. I have spent the last week looking at WordPress Themes. I had planned to build my own, but now I don’t have as much time for that sort of thing, so I am going to leverage one of the great Premium Themes that are available… just haven’t decided which one yet as there are many to choose from.

And did I mention…
Oscar is feeling better YEAH!

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