Category Archives: Daily Grumble

Financial Crisis

Who is responsible for the current financial crisis? The finger-pointing has begun with politics playing a large role in defining the culprit. Continue reading

Daily Photo – Going Nowhere


How do people do this every day?

The view through the windshield… tail-lights as far as you can see. Continue reading

Beware Credit Card Traps

While I was reading some information on Barack Obama’s economic policies, I came across a section on credit card companies and their unscrupulous practices. Continue reading

September 11th

Reflections on 9/11: The strange and circuitous relationship between Osama bin Laden and our disappearing car. Continue reading

Lipstick on a Pig

The fact that the media has spent any air time on Barack Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” reference Continue reading

Random Thoughts

Too Many Rules!

I think that we should treat laws the way that I treat my closet… My policy is that clothes need to go out in order for new ones to come in. Continue reading