Category Archives: Politics

McCain or Obama?

After reading many, many comments about the debate on several different sites it is clear to me that people see through the filter of their beliefs. How else could you explain such differing reactions from the same debate. Some people show class and balance in how they present their viewpoints, some are crude. Continue reading

Save Us from Politics!

I have spent the morning thinking about politics, never a good thing! I began by reading the transcripts from the Vice Presidential Debate. Then I got side-tracked, reading blogs and news reports by liberals, conservatives and so-called unbiased sources.

I am, like many Americans, fed up with party politics and the mess that we are in. Continue reading

Financial Crisis

Who is responsible for the current financial crisis? The finger-pointing has begun with politics playing a large role in defining the culprit. Continue reading

The World Votes for Obama

The Economist has an interesting poll running on their site that allows everyone in the world to cast a vote for the US presidential candidate of their choice. So far Barack Obama is beating John McCain by a landslide with a majority in every country that has voted, including the US. However, Gallup currently has the presidential election tied in the US so this poll is a bit skewed by the demographic who reads The Economist online.

Go to the poll to vote or just to see how others have voted: Global Electoral College

Obama and McCain on 60 Minutes

The interviews with Barack Obama and John McCain last night on 60 Minutes did not reveal anything new, yet they did foster hope that either candidate will be more practical and less idealogical than the current administration. Continue reading