Category Archives: Television

Dancing with the Stars – On to the Semis

I usually write a recap of Dancing with the Stars on performance night, but this week my favorite (and only) cat, Oscar, is really sick. He has been at the hospital all day getting fluids to see if we can get his kidneys functioning properly and then he comes home for the night.

All of this trauma did not get in the way of my watching DWTS this week… just no time, energy or inclination to write about it. We are down to the last five celebrities. Cloris is gone, not even in the audience as she had threatened to be, so there have been no shenanigans the last couple of weeks. The remaining celebrities can all dance well enough. What’s there to say? Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars – Len is Back & He’s Grumpy

Len Goodman returned this week — hurray! He may be irascible, but he is fun. This week Dancing with the Stars got a bit complicated with the addition of a team competition. The couples were split into two groups and their group dance scores were added to their individual scores. Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars – Bring Back Len

Bring back Len Goodman! They say he will be back next week, that he just needed a week off from his transatlantic judging duties. Len and Bruno judge both the US and Brit version of Dancing with the Stars, flying back and forth every week. This week Len was off and Michael Flatley tried to fill his seat. Michael Flatley may be a smoking hot entertainer when he has his dance shoes on, but he gets fives for his judging. His comments were bland and his marks were off-kilter. Brooke Burke had a sub-par week but he gave her a 10. What’s up with that? The Lord of the Dance was no replacement for Len Goodman.

When things get dull, we can count on Cloris

Another week of dancing means another week of Cloris Leachman’s antics. The question is, how long can this go on? A few weeks ago, I proposed that Cloris Leachman’s longevity on Dancing with the Stars was inversely proportional to the financial news. Based on recent Wall Street gyrations, Cloris could be around for a while. If she is, it will be because once again the fans voted for her. The judges put her back in her place — last place that is — with a round of fives. “Five, five and five. It was definitely five,” Cloris said after the judges held up the scores. Continue reading

Cloris Leachman’s Fans Come Through… Again

Once again the fans have voted to keep Cloris Leachman on for another week of Dancing with the Stars. She received enough votes so that she was not even in the bottom two. Viewers clearly need entertainment and distraction these days. Cloris always delivers.

Who was the unlucky couple who got the boot on week five? The bottom two couples were Toni & Alec and Susan & Tony. After the big buildup (don’t you hate how they make the couples squirm) it was Grammy winner Toni Braxton who was sent packing. Who would have thought that Cloris Leachman would outlast Toni Braxton? Not me. Susan Lucci maybe, but not Toni Braxton.

And now there are seven couples left. Brooke Burke seems unbeatable but we can’t underestimate the voting power of the judges at home. Who do you want to see win?

Dancing with the Stars – Cloris Leachman’s Last Dance?

So what did you expect? Cloris camped up the Salsa and Brooke received two perfect 10’s for her Jitterbug. That’s the thing about Dancing with the Stars: after a few weeks you know who can dance, the bottom of the pack is gone, and there is a big mish-mash in the middle. Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars – Goodbye to Rocco

Last night the remaining nine couples danced either the Tango or the Samba. There was some shifting of positions with Maurice Greene receiving lower scores than Cloris Leachman. Yes, that’s right, Cloris did not receive her usual fives, she actually received a total of 22 points from the judges — the same as Toni Braxton! Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars – Fans Support Cloris Leachman

I predicted Cloris Leachman’s time was coming to an end on Dancing with the Stars but I underestimated the appeal of entertainment. Although this is a show about dancing, the entertainment factor trumped dancing ability. Maybe it is a sign of the times: we need something to lighten us up. Cloris certainly provides a lighter moment. Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars – And Then There Were Nine

Cloris Leachman got the biggest hand from the audience and the lowest scores from the judges, again. This could be the end of the Cloris show. She pulled out all the stops with another campy performance but let’s be real, she can’t dance the jive. All right, she can’t dance the Paso Doble or the Rumba or… Continue reading

America’s Got Talent – Final Show

Opera singer Neil E Boyd prevailed by 1/2 of 1% to win the third season of America’s Got Talent. It just goes to show that you never know what the results will be. The first shock came when Nuttin But Stringz were announced in 3rd place leaving Eli Mattson and Neil E Boyd. Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars

Kim is gone… who will be next?
As expected Kim Kardashian received the fewest votes and has left the show. We will have to see if Cloris Leachman is entertaining enough next week to keep her spot. Continue reading