Current Events

Is it just me or is the world going a bit cuckoo lately? A couple of weeks ago I was feeling like the world was going into a tilt, now it seems to be sliding over sideways. Some recent craziness:

  • The market has lost its bearings losing 1.1 TRILLION dollars in value on the 29th
  • Congress is playing politics, disregarding their duty so they can get re-elected
  • Nancy Pelosi makes a speech blaming the Bush administration and Republicans for our messes when we need action not grandstanding!
  • Somali pirates grab a Ukrainian ship carrying weapons. The pirates say that they are misunderstood. We should think of them like the Coast Guard, just patrolling their waters. They don’t want the weapons, just cash.
  • 100 people died in a stampede in India. There were no physical signs of injury, they suffocated
  • European banks are failing. Yesterday Fortis was partially nationalized (Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg governments stepped in) and Bradford & Bingley is close to being nationalized by Britain
  • There is a gas shortage in Atlanta causing lines and long waits at the pumps aka the ’70’s though back then Twitter did not exist. #AtlGas is a trending topic being used on Twitter to communicate the status of gas availability at different gas stations

Bi-Partisan Roots to Our Financial Crisis

It’s a bad time to be playing politics and pointing fingers. There is enough blame to go around, but non-partisan action is needed rather than more politics.

Who is to Blame? Both parties are trying to use the financial turmoil to advance their agendas (i.e. to gain more power). This in NOT the time to behave in a partisan manner. We are missing the point if all we do is argue about which party is more to blame.

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