Politics & The Media

Election day is this week, FINALLY! The presidential election has been going on FOREVER or at least it seems that way. What will the pundits talk about when it’s over?

The media will come up with all sorts of nonsense and speculation: Continue reading

Daily Photo – Halloween

Dead People are Fun

Dead People are Fun

We took Bridgette to the Mt Auburn Cemetery. This may seem like a strange destination for a walk, but it is a beautifully landscaped and historic destination. Bridgette just thought it was a large playground and that headstones are a different form of jungle gym. Continue reading

Daily Photo – More Flowers & Bees

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

As long as flowers are blooming and bees are buzzing, I don’t think that summer’s really over. It doesn’t matter that it is getting dark before six and that there was FROST on the car window this morning. Denial is a beautiful thing!

Daily Photo – Puppy Thoughts

Woof, woof

Puppy Thoughts: Woof, woof

One of the [many] great things about dogs is that you can anthropomorphize to your heart’s content and they will never contradict you. For instance, I have interpreted this look from our sometimes visitor, Sunny, as all of the following: Continue reading

Dancing with the Stars – Bring Back Len

Bring back Len Goodman! They say he will be back next week, that he just needed a week off from his transatlantic judging duties. Len and Bruno judge both the US and Brit version of Dancing with the Stars, flying back and forth every week. This week Len was off and Michael Flatley tried to fill his seat. Michael Flatley may be a smoking hot entertainer when he has his dance shoes on, but he gets fives for his judging. His comments were bland and his marks were off-kilter. Brooke Burke had a sub-par week but he gave her a 10. What’s up with that? The Lord of the Dance was no replacement for Len Goodman.

When things get dull, we can count on Cloris

Another week of dancing means another week of Cloris Leachman’s antics. The question is, how long can this go on? A few weeks ago, I proposed that Cloris Leachman’s longevity on Dancing with the Stars was inversely proportional to the financial news. Based on recent Wall Street gyrations, Cloris could be around for a while. If she is, it will be because once again the fans voted for her. The judges put her back in her place — last place that is — with a round of fives. “Five, five and five. It was definitely five,” Cloris said after the judges held up the scores. Continue reading

Daily Photo – Fall Cleanup

Little Miss Trouble

Cap Says: Little Miss Trouble

My 7-year-old niece, Bella, stopped by with her Dad and sister. She decided to help rake some leaves, then figured out that it was more fun to run around with the rake and swing it at her younger sister.
We quickly put a stop to the rake as weapon direction.

Bella: “I’m just keeping her away from me.” Continue reading

Daily Photo – Puppy Love

Doggy Love

Doggy Love

We are puppy-sitting again this weekend — good thing because she get’s me off my ass and out roller blading. If not for Sunny, I’d probably be sitting in front of my computer all day. I’ve been asking Michael every half-hour, “When are we getting the puppy?” It must be love.

Daily Photo – Chocolate

The best chocolate bars ever!

The best chocolate bars ever!

Ed Fox makes the best chocolate bars I’ve ever tasted — and I’ve tasted quite a few. I spent the afternoon yesterday shooting pictures for his company, Zorro Chocolates. The whole time I was salivating like one of those big slobbery dogs.

Daily Photo – Puppy

Ya gotta love me!

Ya gotta love me!

The other dogs make fun of my ears. I don’t get it. What are they barking about?

Cloris Leachman’s Fans Come Through… Again

Once again the fans have voted to keep Cloris Leachman on for another week of Dancing with the Stars. She received enough votes so that she was not even in the bottom two. Viewers clearly need entertainment and distraction these days. Cloris always delivers.

Who was the unlucky couple who got the boot on week five? The bottom two couples were Toni & Alec and Susan & Tony. After the big buildup (don’t you hate how they make the couples squirm) it was Grammy winner Toni Braxton who was sent packing. Who would have thought that Cloris Leachman would outlast Toni Braxton? Not me. Susan Lucci maybe, but not Toni Braxton.

And now there are seven couples left. Brooke Burke seems unbeatable but we can’t underestimate the voting power of the judges at home. Who do you want to see win?