Tag Archives: Politics

Massachusetts Politics

Leaders Meet Here?

State House - Leaders Meet Here?

Here in Massachusetts we’re not sure what is going on with our local leaders. We have heard very little about governor Deval Patrick after his bid to open MA up to casinos went down in defeat- except that he was in New York promoting his book and recently campaigning for Barack Obama in Miami. Continue reading

Politics & The Media

Election day is this week, FINALLY! The presidential election has been going on FOREVER or at least it seems that way. What will the pundits talk about when it’s over?

The media will come up with all sorts of nonsense and speculation: Continue reading

McCain or Obama?

After reading many, many comments about the debate on several different sites it is clear to me that people see through the filter of their beliefs. How else could you explain such differing reactions from the same debate. Some people show class and balance in how they present their viewpoints, some are crude. Continue reading

Save Us from Politics!

I have spent the morning thinking about politics, never a good thing! I began by reading the transcripts from the Vice Presidential Debate. Then I got side-tracked, reading blogs and news reports by liberals, conservatives and so-called unbiased sources.

I am, like many Americans, fed up with party politics and the mess that we are in. Continue reading

Financial Crisis

Who is responsible for the current financial crisis? The finger-pointing has begun with politics playing a large role in defining the culprit. Continue reading

Barack Obama

It is discouraging that there is so much noise (mostly nonsense) in the media about the presidential campaign. We are at a crossroads in the US and we need to focus on what the candidates will do if elected. Continue reading

Lipstick on a Pig

The fact that the media has spent any air time on Barack Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” reference Continue reading

Random Thoughts

Too Many Rules!

I think that we should treat laws the way that I treat my closet… My policy is that clothes need to go out in order for new ones to come in. Continue reading